Chug Responsibly.

While nearly 40 million tons of plastic were generated in the U.S. in 2021 under 6% was actually recycled, according to a report by the environmental groups Beyond Plastics and The Last Beach Cleanup.

That’s not enough

A large percentage of this plastic ends up in a landfill, and a plastic bottle alone can take up to 700 years to break down. That’s a lot of time for a quick sip.

We think it’s time to cut out the single-use plastics, and we’re committing to acting now.

Chug Water’s mission is to deliver sustainable water, naturally.

Sourced and canned in Vermont, our goal is to provide a decreased carbon footprint while supporting multiple small Vermont businesses in our wake.

Stay hydrated. Decrease your impact on the environment. And please, for the love of greenery, #chugresponsibly.

85% of all plastic ends up in A landfill.

The aluminum can is the most recycled drink package in the world.

90,000 aluminum cans are recycled every minute.

40 Billion aluminum cans are recycled annually.

So, let’s talk emissions.

Emissions from transporting and cooling beverages in aluminum cans is up to 21% lower than bevvies in plastic and 49% lower than bev’raginos in glass.

Peep this link to get to the source.

Help us execute now, for a brighter tomorrow.

75% of all aluminum put into production is recycled.